
The anatomy of the migrants behind the crisis

by News Desk May 15, 2021
The anatomy of the migrants behind the crisis

America has always been divided when it comes to the migrant crisis. Whether you support the illegal entries or are against them, before picking a side it is vital to make sure you’re synced with all the facts and to fully understand this crisis. It is important to understand the migrants behind it – which is why we bring you The Anatomy of the Migrants behind the Crisis.

Who they are, what do they think, how do they think and why do they want to come. As a supporter you would assume all of them to be innocent and if you’re against them you would assume all of them to be criminals.

So to minimize the polarization that has plagued Americans since this issue came to light and to let you better understand the entire situation we are dissecting the migrants into four different strings to help you better understand why we cannot just let anyone in without the vetting, background checks and the legal system that is in place to protect us all.

It is not about a side being right or wrong, it us about protection and guaranteeing the safety of everyone including those wishing to get in.

This is how the journey unfolds for the First String (Teens, Men and Women):

Migrants take loans from cartels which they would pay back after reaching the US by making money either by working or selling drugs the cartels handed them.

The migrants are given a better route where authorities of the country they are travelling through would be bribed and would eventually be of no problem, all along with safe passages through the jungles and areas where other cartels are notorious for abducting migrants of groups that don’t have a coyote.

They are also exhorted to get caught by the US Border Patrol so that they can be in the custody of the United States and have ample time to stay inside until they are deported.

The migrants then start their journey alone or with a group led by a coyote or with friends and family, then soon join larger groups while moving from one location to another and slowly either stay with the people they know or choose their own paths with newly made friends or travel companions.

The large groups then naturally break down into smaller groups with each having its own way through the villages, jungles, etc.

Slowly as they meet new people they tend to form smaller groups of random but independent people who are all capable of carrying their own weight or are useful, in some cases the migrants who they knew and started off with are either ditched or vice versa.

Once the random groups are formed they rarely stay with the same members, they are usually together up till the next checkpoint, which could be the next major resting place known to the migrants, the next city, country, etc.

While going through each checkpoint the groups keep on getting new members and or lose members as most find better groups or more compatible people as they keep on travelling.

Once they reach the Southern border many of them follow the ‘intentional surrender’ strategy taught by the cartels and succeed in getting a lot of time in the US as they are caught and released because they intentionally don’t bring identification documents with them thus making it harder for the authorities to identify and deport them to their respective countries, Mexico doesn’t take in citizens of another country without passports, etc.

So the relevant embassies are asked to make the documents and until then the migrants are released on US soil, upon their release the migrants are told to show up when a notice has been sent to them (Usually within a week), but the migrants never show up and are on the run until they are caught again, this time by ICE (This wasn’t the case when the Trump Administration was in power but since President Biden has taken over the catch and release is back).

Some migrants however, don’t get the same treatment and are deported sooner than those caught and released, and for those deported right then their lives stop as they have nowhere to go back to and owe money to the cartels that they took loans from, and those cartels would then go after them and their families and put them in bonded labor, sex slavery, etc.

For the male migrants if it’s not bonded labor then they agree to become part of the cartels to sell drugs, traffic humans, etc.

The problem for the migrant women and girls before they go as far as to be caught and released arises right when the groups are randomized and know each others’ weaknesses.

The male migrants who are uneducated or grow up in areas semi or fully governed by the cartels do not possess any moral virtue and the women and girls unaware travel with them, as they don’t have any sense of right or wrong, the minute these individuals take command of the group or are in a powerful position they commit the crime.

Even those who they meet on their journey and consider friends betray them and do the worst when the time comes and whenever they get the chance.

A majority of migrant women and girls are victims of sexual abuse at the hands of their once called friends, smugglers, travel partners, travel groups, etc. The migrant women can never know whether they are travelling with a criminal or a soon-to-be criminal.

Even those who aren’t inherently criminals become one once they see the women and girls travelling alone. With the majority of the cases going unreported (as the perpetrators can never be caught) the women who have come out have reported of being taken turns on after being forced to cook meals for the men they were travelling with, they have been bitten on their faces so they could be silenced when they were screaming for help, put into sex slavery to earn money for the cartels and to influence drug deals while providing “comfort” for the travelers.

They have been violated countless times and will never be able to forget what they have gone through.

Those who are currently on their way towards the Southern border or have reached it are also going through the same crisis where the people they travel with and think they can trust violate them and are turned into sex slaves once caught by the cartels.

If they are somehow safe from the people they are travelling with and the other cartels, then it’s the coyotes who do the worse, they are known to flip on the women whenever they get the chance and the other men of the group also partner with the coyote leading them to gain control over the group and to assault the women.

The coyotes who the women say drug them and then do the worst are so-called freelancers or part of largescale cartels that take money from the migrants to get them safely across the areas controlled by other cartels and into the United States or just at the Southern border. They give the migrants drugs to sell in order to pay back their loans or in other words payment to the cartels for getting them across.

Today, more and more migrants have started taking loans instead of paying the cartels with their savings, since the migrants are prone to getting scammed by the cartels, they prefer to sell drugs for them ensuring they (the migrants) are not cheated and the cartels also get their money back while the migrants are making a living in the US.

The women however, go through much worse, they are sexually exploited and abused throughout the journey and they can never get justice because the crimes are committed outside the United States and so the offenders are never caught or punished.

The women risk their lives to reach the United States and yet the people they trust and believe are their friends end up committing the most heinous crimes against them.

Since it is a terribly long journey and the groups are never the same, the odds are stacked against the women as if they are safe in one group then that would be just one out of the countless good or bad groups they would be part of until they reach their destination.

The Anatomy of the Second String (Minors and Unaccompanied Minors):

Parents hand out a written phone number to the child or stitch it onto its clothes. The number being of a relative living in the US who they (the child) must contact once they get across.

The parents either take loans from the cartels or pay them off with their life-savings in exchange for sending their child through with a group led by either a coyote, or having the coyote give the group the child is travelling with the best route through the jungles, etc.

Once the terms are set or the payment is made the child is taken by the “starting group” which the parents think would be of the most responsible people who would take care of the child like their own.

In reality, what happens is that like all migrant groups the ones the minors start off with, also lose and gain new members, so the people the child or children started with are no longer with them at some point on their journey.

The “guardians” either run away once they get the payment or lose interest in taking care of the child if their goal is also to reach the Southern border of the US.

As more and more time passes, even the inexperienced migrants or first-timers tend to develop basic characteristics of human survival and to carry a child when resources are limited, when everyone is on the edge is something they give up on sooner or later.

Either the group will leave the child behind when its sleeping or the group will leave it behind with the weakest member who they want to abandon.

If the group still has an inch of compassion then it will plant the child into another group at a checkpoint.

There have been numerous cases of unaccompanied minors being found in villages, cities and even jungles of the “migrant trail.” Unaccompanied minors have been found at the Southern border as well, and Unaccompanied minor girls under age 7 were found in Texas very recently.

Once they reach the Southern border or cross it, the group they were travelling with disperses with each their own or the best staying together while dropping the “bait.”

The bait being the minors are (as stated above) left behind in their sleep or with the weakest member(s) who can be awake or asleep. These hasty decisions have no effect on the fate of the migrants who leave the children behind, and the children are then found alone, hungry and weak for the US to take care of.

The parents believe their children would magically be transported into the United States but what the children go through is something we cannot even imagine.

When they are caught or found on US soil the children are taken into custody and are put in the relevant facilities for treatment until their family is found or an agreement is made with the origin country for deportation.

(Editor’s Note: We have intentionally avoided reporting the sexual abuse on unaccompanied minors and the actual quotes from their accounts as it would be too disturbing to read.)

The Anatomy of the Third String (Families):

The families start venturing off on their own following the lead of other families and groups. They want to get to the US for a better living, to find jobs, shelter, and provide themselves along with their kids (if they have any) with food and water.

Like the aforementioned two strings they are then involved with cartels either from the get go or after they venture forth. The families either pay the cartels off with their savings (which is uncommon now as the cartels tend to scam them) or they accept to sell drugs for the cartels once they get across.

Families are often safe from the sexual violence experienced by the women migrants unless they are displaced in crowds at the checkpoints or are abducted by other cartels.

They start off together and sometimes can get separated if they need to travel on buses or trains when the locomotives are not stopping.

Once they are separated they wait for each other at the next station and though the female members are usually safe from sexual assault they fall prey to catcalling and sexual harassment.

The families rarely leave their young children behind and that too would only be when the parents go look for food at the checkpoints. The families are most susceptible to getting robbed during their journey or at the Southern border when they are seen with a specific amount of apparels, money, food and water.

For families the worst that can happen is if they lose each other, a member is abducted by the cartels, and gathering the required amount of food and water for all members.

Not many migrants would take families in with their group as they would then have to be looked after and so the migrant families rely on government or non-profit help for resources to survive until they make it to the Southern border of the US.

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Once they reach the border the families then try following the other groups to get into the US and are caught because of their size. The migrant families that do not have any groups to follow try sneaking in where they believe would be safe or they request the Border Patrol to let them in.

Whether they are on this side of the border or that, they are provided with consumables by the Border Protection Force, and those found inside are then caught and released on US soil or are deported right away. The families then wait there at the border until they can try again.

Like all migrants, the migrant families are also told by the cartels to get caught by the US Border Patrol and not to take their identification documents along with them (As explained above), and just like other migrants the results for some families are reassuring with being caught and released and given a date for the next hearing, they are then able to disappear until are caught by ICE.

For other migrant families instant deportation leads the way and they then have nowhere to go as they have either spent all of their money or have unpaid debts that they had to pay off by selling drugs in the US.

For these families going back then would mean a death sentence as the cartels would capture them and just like other migrants with unpaid debts will put them in bonded labor, sex slavery, etc.

Since everyone at the border claims the cartels would kill them we can never be sure who really is in danger and who is lying to get in and disappear. It is unfortunate but the cartels are always a step ahead to twist the sympathies and get their work done.

The Fourth String (Drug Dealers, Gang Members, Criminals, etc. Or those with a criminal past who are running away from the cartels they were once part of):

The migrants of the fourth string are the most violent and dangerous out of all the strings and want to get into the US so that they can get away from the violence they were once part of.

The migrants of this string having a criminal past will either still be working for the cartels after getting into the US or are running away from them after their cartel lost a gang war, or the migrants betrayed their own cartel, or owe money to them, or stole from them.

A grand majority of the migrants that are apprehended at the Southern border claim the cartels would kill them if they are sent back. Their claim does not make sense as the cartels cannot randomly just pick a person out to kill unless the person owes them something or has had a past with them and as most lone young adults or teenage migrants grow up in areas controlled by the cartels, the jobs they can get are limited and most of them end up joining gangs to earn a living and to go up the ranks.

They murder other cartel members, assassinate targets (including civilians), sell drugs, traffic humans, control bonded labor, open prostitution rackets, control sex slavery and whatever else that they can do to earn money.

Since they get less to no education, joining the criminal World is the only possible way for them and the only solution to their problems.

Later on as they make ‘mistakes’ or change loyalties, etc. The cartels then start to go after them in order to punish them and set an example, and so some are killed and some abscond.

There have been gruesome videos where cartel members are seen amputating the arms and legs of other members and civilians as ‘punishment,’ killing them as ‘punishment’ and to show what can happen to the members if they betray the cartel in any possible way.

Those who abscond, their only hope is to follow the migrant trail because of the countless success stories of migrants (of all strings) who crossed the border and are still living in the US illegally.

Apart from the success stories, going to the US is tempting to them because of the promises made by the Democrats, and as they are trained to exploit everything they then conjure a plan to disguise themselves as ‘innocent migrants’ to get sympathies and eventually get in.

Staying in the countries controlled by cartels is extremely dangerous for the absconders as any mole will hand them out, and so they start to trek towards the United States in hope of escaping the cartels and then resume doing in the US whatever that they used to do in their countries after they successfully manage to get through illegally.

If they have experience of sending migrants through or were coyotes in the past then their travel is easier as they would easily create and form groups.

The groups would then survive till they reach the border or go on and exploit other groups and especially the women and young girls.

Growing up in a society where crime is normal and getting no education these migrants don’t understand the rule of law and the rights of the other person, etc.

That is why the migrants of the fourth string become the worst nightmare of the other groups once they start exploiting. They would steal from other groups, attack other groups all while sexually abusing women just because they have the power to and are the only things they have learned while growing up. They don’t need a reason once they know that they can.

They will hold children of the women hostage in order to make them do what they want. A group of the fourth string can either reach the Southern border minding its own business or it can become a group of monsters for the other groups.

Regardless, whether they reach the border minding their own business or violently, we cannot take the risk of letting them in illegally and without background checks since they would resort to doing in the US what they did while being part of the cartels.

Once a group of the fourth string reaches the border it will tend to disassemble after crossing, as that way its chances of mobilizing increase meaning a lesser chance of getting caught after it crosses.

Those that are caught ask for asylum and claim the cartels would kill them and so some of them are deported right away and some are released into the US until their next hearing (for identification through their embassy) for which they never appear.

Those not caught at the border remain on the run, and whether they are those caught and released, or those that are never caught, the migrants of the fourth string remain loyal to committing crimes as that is what they have grown into and have expertise in.

With no set of skills and education, the migrants of the fourth string do what they had been doing in their respective countries, they either become part of local gangs or go independent and murder, sell drugs, rob people, attack people, assault women and young girls, commit all sorts of crimes, etc.

This string is violent and manipulative as that’s the training they have always received while working for the cartels, and those who grow up in such a society and be part of the criminal World, they will always be part of that criminal World and rarely be able to abandon it.


A large number of migrants share both the first and fourth string, while the rest remain in their own specific strings. Since we can never be sure who belongs to which string without getting them through the legal system, we can never know who is innocent and who is the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The only way to certify that we don’t let the worst type of criminals inside and those willing to commit crimes is if we have proper background checks and allow them in only through the legal system that is there for this very reason.

This is the complete anatomy of the migrants behind the crisis and we can never know which migrant belongs to which string if they bypass the system and come in illegally.

The current system needs to be bolstered so that it can effectively allow the innocents looking for asylum while straining out the worst type of criminals acting like innocents.